James Crichton-Browne

Sir James Crichton-Browne MD FRS[1] (29 November 1840 – 31 January 1938) was a leading British psychiatrist famous for studies on the relationship of mental illness to neurological damage and for the development of public health policies in relation to mental health. Crichton-Browne was a celebrated author and orator, one of Charles Darwin's most significant correspondents and collaborators, editor of the West Riding Lunatic Asylum Medical Reports (1871 to 1876), and - like Duchenne de Boulogne and Hugh Welch Diamond - a pioneer of clinical neuropsychiatric photography. Crichton-Browne was based in Wakefield from 1866 to 1875, and there he established a unique asylum laboratory, later regarding himself as the "doyen of British medical psychology". In his later years, Crichton-Browne wrote extensively on the place of psychological thinking in western culture and warned of the dangers of subjecting children to stress in their education. He also made some remarkable predictions about the neurological changes associated with severe mental illness.


Family Background and Education

Crichton-Browne was born in Edinburgh at the family home of his mother, Magdalene Balfour, who had married William A. F. Browne in 1834. She belonged to one of Scotland's foremost scientific families, and the home (at St John's Hill near Salisbury Crags) had been built in 1770 for the unmarried geologist James Hutton (1726–1797)[2] whose mother was Sarah Balfour. Hutton had been a central figure in the Scottish Enlightenment and his geological theories, involving physical processes exerted over unimaginable periods of time ("...no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end...") laid much of the foundation for modern environmental science.

Crichton-Browne's father, the asylum reformer William A.F. Browne (1805–1885), was a prominent phrenologist who had befriended Charles Darwin at the Plinian Society in Edinburgh in November 1826. Crichton-Browne's godmother was the childless widow Elizabeth Crichton (née Grierson) (1779–1862) who endowed the Crichton Royal hospital in Dumfries in memory of her husband, Dr James Crichton. Crichton-Browne's uncle, John Hutton Balfour (1808-1884), was appointed Professor of Botany at Edinburgh University in 1845 in preference to Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911). Crichton-Browne's younger brother, John Hutton Balfour-Browne K.C. (1845–1921), wrote a classic work on the legal relations of insanity[3] and his first cousin, Sir Isaac Bayley Balfour (1853–1922), was Sherardian Professor at Oxford and, later, Professor of Botany at Edinburgh.

Crichton-Browne spent much of his childhood at the Crichton Royal asylum in Dumfries where his father was the first medical superintendent from 1838 to 1857.[4][5][6][7][8][9] William A.F. Browne was a pioneering Victorian psychiatrist, with an early interest in the psychological lives of his patients as evidenced by their group activities, symptoms, dreams, and art-works. In his childhood, Crichton-Browne lost two siblings: William (aged 11 years) in 1846 and Jessie (aged 10 years) in 1852. He went to school at Dumfries Academy and then, in line with his mother's episcopalian outlook, to Trinity College, Glenalmond. Shortly before his death, Crichton-Browne wrote a valuable account of his Dumfries childhood, which was published as a Foreword to Charles Easterbrook's Chronicle of the Crichton Royal in 1940.[10]

Charles Darwin, David Ferrier and the "Asylum Reports" 1866 - 1875

Crichton-Browne studied medicine at Edinburgh University where his uncle was Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; he qualified MRCS in 1861, and MD in 1862 with a thesis on hallucinations. Among his teachers was his father's friend Thomas Laycock (1812–1876), Professor of Medicine, whose "magnum opus" Mind and Brain[11] is an extended speculative essay on neurology and psychological life.[12] Like his father, Crichton-Browne had been elected one of the undergraduate Presidents of the Royal Medical Society[13] and, in this capacity, he argued for the place of psychology in the medical curriculum. After working as assistant physician in asylums in Exeter (with John Charles Bucknill), Warwick and Derby, and a brief period in Newcastle, Crichton-Browne was appointed Physician-Superintendent of the West Riding Asylum at Wakefield in 1866; this was the year in which his father served as the first President of the Medico-Psychological Association (now the Royal College of Psychiatrists); and, in his Presidential address delivered at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, W.A.F. Browne gave a rather laborious account of the principles of medical psychology[14] and recorded the deaths of John Conolly (1794–1866) and Sir Alexander Morison (1779–1866).

Crichton-Browne spent ten years at the West Riding Asylum.[15] He believed that the asylum should be an educational as well as a therapeutic institution and set about a major research programme, bringing biological insights to bear on the causes of insanity. He supervised hundreds of post-mortem examinations of the brain and took a special interest in the clinical features of neurosyphilis. In 1872, Crichton-Browne invited the Scottish neurologist David Ferrier (1843–1928) to direct the asylum laboratories and to conduct electrical studies on the cortical localization of cerebral functions, a research initiative which developed the phrenological theories of Crichton-Browne's father and echoed Duchenne de Boulogne's electrical experiments on the facial muscles.[16][17] (In 1832-1834, William A.F. Browne had published a serial paper in the Phrenological Journal on the relationship of mental disorder to a disturbance of language, citing clinical cases of brain injury mainly in the frontal lobes).[18] On the more general confluence of Crichton-Browne's thinking with his father's phrenology, see Walmsley, 1993[19]and 2003.[20] Ferrier summarised his scientific work at Wakefield in his neurological classic The Functions of the Brain.[21]

At the instigation of Henry Maudsley[22] (1835–1918), Crichton-Browne corresponded with Charles Darwin (1809–1882) from May 1869 until December 1875.[23][24][25][26][27] The bulk of the correspondence occurred during the preparation of Crichton-Browne's first Asylum Medical Reports and also of Darwin's The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.[28] On 8th June 1869, Darwin sent Crichton-Browne his copy of Duchenne's Mechanism of Human Facial Expression, asking for his comments. Crichton-Browne seems to have mislaid the book for about a year at the Wakefield asylum; but, on 6th June 1870, he returned it (with some embarrassment) to Darwin, along with an illustration of a woman with erected hair (from the Southern Counties Asylum at Dumfries). Darwin explored a huge range of subjects with Crichton-Browne, including references to Maudsley's Body and Mind,[29] the psychology of blushing, the functions of the platysma muscle (Darwin's "bete noire") and the clinical phenomena of bereavement and grief. Darwin's mysterious symptoms which included vomiting, sweating, sighing, and weeping, particularly troublesome in the early months of 1872, seem to have resolved around the time that he completed his work on the origins of the human emotions.

Building on the early psychiatric photography of Hugh Welch Diamond (1809 -1886)[30] at Brookwood Hospital (Surrey's second County Asylum), Crichton-Browne sent about forty photographs of patients to Charles Darwin during the composition of his The Expression of the Emotions;[31] however, Darwin used only one of these in the book and this (Darwin Correspondence Letter 7220) was of the patient (with erection of her hair "like wire") (photographer unknown) - under the care of Dr James Gilchrist at the Southern Counties Asylum (Crichton Royal) at Dumfries. The complete correspondence forms a remarkable contribution to the beginnings of behavioural science and Darwin remarked (of Ferrier's experiments) that "it seems that the physiology of the brain will soon be completely understood" . Nevertheless, Crichton-Browne attached greater importance to his six volumes of West Riding Lunatic Asylum Medical Reports (1871–1876) (Jellinek, 2005)[32] - sending Darwin a copy of Volume One on 18th August 1871 - and to the neurological journal Brain which developed from them, in which he was assisted by John Hughlings Jackson (1835-1911),[33][34] David Ferrier (1843-1928) and John Charles Bucknill (1817-1897) . It is notable, however, that Charles Darwin did not make a contribution to the Asylum Reports, nor did he visit the asylum when invited by Crichton-Browne in 1873.

In 1875, Crichton-Browne criticised the classification of mental disorders produced by the Edinburgh psychiatrist David Skae[35] (1814–1873) which had been bravely championed by Skae's pupil Thomas Clouston[36] (1840–1915); for Crichton-Browne it was "philosophically unsound, scientifically inaccurate and practically useless". [37] In 1879, Crichton-Browne published his own considerations of the neuropathology of insanity[38] making some very specific predictions about the morbid anatomy of the human brain in cases of severe psychiatric disorder: he proposed that in the insane the weight of the brain was reduced, that the lateral ventricles were enlarged and that the burden of damage fell on the left cerebral hemisphere. This involved an evolutionary view of cerebral localisation with an emphasis on the asymmetry of cerebral functions which he derived from the clinical research of the French neurologist Paul Broca (1824–1880)[39][40] on language centres in the brain - originally published in 1861 - and presented by Broca to the British Association for the Advancement of Science at its 1868 meeting in Norwich (chaired by Joseph Dalton Hooker). The question of asymmetrical cerebral functions had been raised many years earlier by the Edinburgh phrenologist Hewett Cottrell Watson in the Phrenological Journal.[41][42] Crichton-Browne summarised his own views on psychosis and cerebral asymmetry in his most important scientific paper: On The Weight of the Brain (1879);[43] the best appraisal is by Compston, 2007.[44]

Lord Chancellor's Visitor in Lunacy 1875 - 1922

In 1875, Crichton-Browne was appointed as Lord Chancellor's Visitor in Lunacy, a position which involved the regular examination of wealthy Chancery patients throughout England and Wales.[45] He held this post until his retirement in 1922 and used his public office to give influential addresses on medical matters of popular concern. He combined this with the development of an extensive private psychiatric practice in London[46] and became a familiar figure on the metropolitan medical scene. He served for many years as Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Institution and, in 1878, he followed his father as President of the Medico-Psychological Association. Crichton-Browne also made friendships in the literary world with the idiosyncratic historian Thomas Carlyle (1795–1881) whose marital reputation he defended against the allegations of James Anthony Froude;[47] and, less controversially, with his contemporary, the novelist Thomas Hardy (1840–1928) who consulted Crichton-Browne about the anatomical peculiarities of the female brain. Crichton-Browne informed Hardy that the brain/body ratio was much the same in women as in men; but it is not clear that he drew Hardy's attention to the greater symmetry of female nervous structure.

Crichton-Browne was a notable stylist and orator and he often combined this with a kind of couthy vernacular evocative of the Dumfries of his childhood. He was proud to have served as President of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society from 1892 to 1896 and, on 24th January 1895, he delivered a remarkable Presidential lecture[48] - in Dumfries - On Emotional Expression - in which he discussed some reservations about Darwin's views and touched on the role of the motor cortex in expression, on the relations of gender to emotional asymmetry, and on the relationship of language to the physical expression of the emotions. A few months later, on 30th June 1895 in London, Crichton-Browne gave his famous Cavendish Lecture on Dreamy Mental States,[49] in which he explored the relationship of temporal lobe disease to deja vu, hallucinatory and supernatural experiences; this caught the attention of William James (1842-1910) who referred - rather negatively - to Crichton-Browne in his Gifford lectures on The Varieties of Religious Experience (delivered in Edinburgh in 1901-1902). In the early years of the twentieth century, Crichton-Browne delivered a number of lectures on the asymmetry of the human brain, publishing his conclusions in 1907.[50]

Elder Statesman of British Psychiatry 1922 - 1938

In 1920, Crichton-Browne delivered the first Maudsley Lecture to the Royal Medico-Psychological Association,[51] giving an affecting tribute to Henry Maudsley whose enthusiasm and energy in the 1860s had been a source of inspiration and encouragement to him. He spoke with some feeling of Maudsley the man, and of the divergence of their pathways in the later development of British psychiatry. Crichton-Browne, rather in awe of Maudsley's intellectual powers, seems to have chilled at the unforgiving character of Maudsley's emotional landscape. Four years later, on 29th February 1924, Crichton-Browne gave the Ramsay Henderson Bequest Lecture in Edinburgh.[52] His title was The Story of the Brain. In this, he gave a remarkable tribute to members of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society - to George Combe (1788–1858), Andrew Combe (1797–1847) and to Robert Chambers (1802–1871) who had sought to combine phrenology with evolutionary Lamarckism in his Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation[53][54] - written in St Andrews, published in 1844, and inverting Hutton's aphorism "no vestige of a beginning". However, Crichton-Browne did not mention that the lecture was delivered a century (almost to the day) after his father had joined the Edinburgh Phrenological Society. With increasing age, the death of his first wife, and perhaps with his personal losses in the First World War, Sir James' rhetoric had taken on a more authoritarian tone and this caused his reputation to tarnish in the last two decades of his life.

Crichton-Browne's Legacy

Despite the widespread and pervasive influence of his "medical psychology", Crichton-Browne remains a curiously neglected figure in the history of British psychiatry. His extraordinary public persona as a slightly raffish medical expert and his elegant but convoluted Victorian prose style did little to attract the attentions of twentieth century medical historians. Crichton-Browne's unusual longevity, taken together with his father's singular psychiatric career, brought the world of the early Edinburgh phrenologists - George Combe, Hewett Cottrell Watson and Robert Chambers - into contact with developing neuroscience in the course of the twentieth century. The phrenological vision of the brain was of a genetically determined dynamic system vulnerable to environmental stress. Crichton-Browne's psychiatric thinking showed a remarkable blend of social and neurological concerns and his considerations of the cerebral basis of psychotic disorder were well ahead of their time. Within the medical world, he held out the promise of a continuum of neurological and psychiatric illness and, in the narrower world of psychiatry, he demonstrated a public role for the specialist in mental disorders.

Very early in his career, Crichton-Browne emphasised the importance of psychiatric disorders in childhood[55] and, much later, he was to emphasise the distinction between organic and functional illness in the elderly.[56] He was considered an expert in many aspects of psychological medicine, public health and social reform. He supported a campaign for the open-air treatment of tuberculosis, housing reform for the working-classes, and a practical approach to sexually transmitted diseases. He condemned the corporal punishment of children. He stressed the importance of the asymmetric lateralization of brain function in the development of language and deplored the fads relating to ambidexterity advocated by (among others) Robert Baden-Powell. He was critical of public education systems for their repetitive and fact-bound character, warning of mental exhaustion in otherwise happy and healthy children. He was openly - even offensively - sceptical concerning the claims of psychic investigators and spiritualists (see The Times articles of 1897/1899 concerning the Ballechin House controversy) and of dietary faddists and vegetarians. He argued that the benefits of Freudian psychotherapy had been assessed with insufficient rigour. He advocated (in 1892) the fluoridation of human dietary intake and he worried about the consequences of mass transportation by motor vehicles.

In the last years of his life, from retirement at his home "Crindau" by the River Nith in the Nunholm district of Dumfries, Sir James published a notable study of Robert Burns' medical problems and physical decline[57]and seven volumes of memoirs selected from his commonplace books, consisting of fragmentary essays ranging widely over medical, psychological, biographical and Scottish themes.[58][59][60][61][62][63][64] Crichton-Browne was twice married and cherished a lifelong affection for the traditions of the Anglican liturgy; he was a loyal member of the congregation at the Church of St John the Evangelist, Dumfries. Through family connections he became friendly with the painter Hannah Gluckstein ("Gluck") (1895–1978) who executed an arresting portrait of Sir James in 1928, now in the National Portrait Gallery. Crichton-Browne was elected a Fellow of The Royal Society in 1883 (supported posthumously by Charles Darwin) and he was knighted in 1886. He was a vigorous opponent of teetotalism, stating that "no writer has done much without alcohol". When he died on 31 January 1938, at the age of 97, Crichton-Browne - like Robert Burns, Thomas Carlyle and James Clerk Maxwell - was acclaimed as one of the greatest sons of Dumfries and Galloway in South-West Scotland; and as one of the last Victorians.

See also


  1. ^ Holmes, G. M. (1939). "Sir James Crichton-Browne. 1840-1938". Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 2 (7): 518–526. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1939.0012.  edit
  2. ^ Repcheck, Jack (2003) The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton and the Discovery of the Earth's Antiquity, London and New York: Pocket Books (Simon and Schuster), especially pp 124-125
  3. ^ Balfour Browne, J.H. (1875) The Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity San Francisco: Sumner Whitney
  4. ^ McDowall, William (1873) History of the Burgh of Dumfries with notices of Nithsdale, Annandale and the Western Border, 2nd Edition, Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, pp 732-734
  5. ^ Scull, Andrew (1991) The Asylum as Utopia: W.A.F. Browne and the Mid-Nineteenth Century Consolidation of Psychiatry, London and New York: Tavistock/Routledge
  6. ^ Scull, Andrew, MacKenzie, Charlotte and Hervey, Nicholas (1996) Masters of Bedlam: The Transformation of the Mad-Doctoring Trade Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, especially pp. 84-122
  7. ^ Park, Maureen (2010) Art in Madness: Dr W.A.F. Browne's Collection of Patient Art at Crichton Royal Institution, Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway Health Board
  8. ^ Walmsley, Tom (1991) Psychiatry in Scotland (in) 150 Years of British Psychiatry 1841-1991, edited by Berrios G.H. and Freeman, Hugh, London: Gaskell/ The Royal College of Psychiatrists, pp 294 - 305
  9. ^ Browne, W.A.F. (1864) The Moral Treatment of Insanity Journal of Mental Science, 10, 309 - 337
  10. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1940) Some Early Crichton Memories (in) The Chronicle of Crichton Royal 1833-1936, (edited by C.C. Easterbrook), Dumfries: Courier Press, pp. 1-6
  11. ^ Laycock, Thomas (1860) Mind and Brain: or, The Correlations of Consciousness and Organization, 2 vols, Edinburgh: Sutherland and Knox; 2nd ed.,(1869) London: Simpkin and Marshall.
  12. ^ Beveridge, Allan (1996) On The Origins of Psychiatric Thought: the contribution of Edinburgh, 1730 - 1850, (in) 150 Years of Psychiatry, Vol. 2. The Aftermath, edited by Freeman, Hugh and Berrios, German E., London: The Athlone Press, pp. 339 - 366
  13. ^ Gray, James (1952) History of the Royal Medical Society 1737-1937 Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
  14. ^ Browne, W.A.F. (1866) On Medico-Psychology, Journal of Mental Science, 12, 309 - 327
  15. ^ Todd, John and Ashworth, Lawrence E. (1991) The West Riding Asylum and James Crichton-Browne, 1818-1876, (in) 150 Years of British Psychiatry 1841 - 1991 edited by Berrios, G.E., and Freeman, Hugh, London: Gaskell/ The Royal College of Psychiatrists, pp 389 - 418
  16. ^ Hustvedt, Asti, (2011) Medical Muses: Hysteria in Nineteenth Century Paris London: Bloomsbury, especially pp 155 - 159
  17. ^ Duchenne (de Boulogne), G.-B., (1990) The Mechanism of Human Facial Expression, edited and translated by R. Andrew Cuthbertson, Cambridge University Press and Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, originally published (1862) as Mecanisme de la Physionomie Humaine Paris: Jules Renouard, Libraire
  18. ^ Browne, W.A.F. (1832-1834) On Morbid Manifestations of the Organ of Language, as connected with insanity, The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany, 8, pp. 250-260, 308-316 and 414-423
  19. ^ Walmsley, Tom (1993) Psychiatry in Descent: Darwin and the Brownes, Psychiatric Bulletin, 17, 748 - 751
  20. ^ Walmsley, Tom (2003) Crichton-Browne's Biological Psychiatry, Psychiatric Bulletin, 27, 20 - 22
  21. ^ Ferrier, David (1876) The Functions of The Brain London: Smith, Elder
  22. ^ Collie, Michael (1988) Henry Maudsley: Victorian Psychiatrist: A Bibliographical Study Winchester: St Pauls Bibliographies pp 25 - 26
  23. ^ Pearn, Alison M. (2010) "This Excellent Observer...": The Correspondence between Charles Darwin and James Crichton-Browne 1869 - 1875, History of Psychiatry, 21, 160 - 175
  24. ^ Browne, E. Janet (1985) Darwin and the Face of Madness (in) The Anatomy of Madness: Essays in the History of Psychiatry, Vol 1, People and Ideas, edited by Bynum, W.F., Porter, Roy and Shepherd, Michael, London: Tavistock, pp 151 - 165
  25. ^ Gilman, Sander L. (1982) Seeing the Insane Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press and reprinted (1996) New York: Bison Books, especially pp. 179-191
  26. ^ Appignanesi, Lisa (2008) Mad, Bad and Sad: A History of Women and the Mind Doctors from 1800 to the Present London: Virago Press, especially page 110
  27. ^ Prodger, Phillip (2009) Darwin's Camera: Art and Photography in the Theory of Evolution Oxford University Press, especially pp 92 - 101
  28. ^ Darwin, Charles R. (1872) The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals London: John Murray
  29. ^ Maudsley, Henry (1870) Body and Mind: The Gulstonian Lectures for 1870 London: Macmillan and Co.
  30. ^ Gilman, Sander L. (1976) The Face of Madness: Hugh W. Diamond and the Origin of Psychiatric Photography New York: Brunner Mazel
  31. ^ Smith, Jonathan (2006) Charles Darwin and Victorian Visual Culture Cambridge University Press
  32. ^ Jellinek, E.H. (2005) Sir James Crichton-Browne (1840 - 1938): pioneer neurologist and scientific drop-out, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 98, 9, 428 - 430
  33. ^ Critchley, Macdonald (1998) John Hughlings Jackson: Father of English Neurology Oxford University Press
  34. ^ Jackson, J. Hughlings (1884) Evolution and Dissolution of the Nervous System: The Croonian Lectures The Lancet, i, 535, 649, 739; reprinted (1931) in Selected Writings, vol. II, pp 45 - 75 London: Hodder and Stoughton
  35. ^ Fish, Frank (1965) David Skae MD FRCS, Founder of the Edinburgh School of Psychiatry Medical History, 9 , 36 - 53
  36. ^ Beveridge, Allan (1991) Thomas Clouston and the Edinburgh School of Psychiatry (in) 150 Years of British Psychiatry, 1841 - 1991, edited by Berrios, G.E. and Freeman, Hugh, London: Gaskell/The Royal College of Psychiatrists, pp 359 - 388
  37. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1875) Skae's Classification of Mental Diseases, Journal of Mental Science, 21, 339 - 365
  38. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1879) On The Weight of the Brain and its Component Parts in the Insane, Brain, 1, 514 - 518, 2, 42 - 67
  39. ^ Broca, Pierre Paul (1861) Remarques sur le Siege de la Faculte de Langage Articule; suivis d'une observation d'aphemie (perte de la parole) Bulletin de la Societe de l'Anatomie de Paris, 36, pp 330 - 357
  40. ^ McManus, Chris (2002) Right Hand, Left Hand: The Origins of Asymmetry in Brains, Bodies, Atoms and Cultures London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson
  41. ^ Watson, Hewett Cottrell (1836) What is the Use of the Double Brain ? The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany, 9, 608-611
  42. ^ Harrington, Anne (1987) Medicine, Mind, and the Double Brain: a study in nineteenth century thought Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press
  43. ^ Crow, T.J. (1995) A Darwinian Approach to the Origins of Psychosis, British Journal of Psychiatry, 167, 12 - 25
  44. ^ Compston, Alastair (2007) Brain, 130, (3), 599 - 601
  45. ^ Neve, Michael and Turner, Trevor (1995) What the Doctor Thought and Did: Sir James Crichton-Browne (1840-1938) Medical History, 39, 399-432
  46. ^ Oppenheim, Janet (1991) Shattered Nerves: Doctors, Patients and Depression in Victorian England London and New York: Oxford University Press
  47. ^ Crichton-Browne, James with Alexander Carlyle (1903) The Nemesis of Froude: A Rejoinder to J.A.Froude's "My Relations with Carlyle" London and New York: John Lane, The Bodley Head
  48. ^ [Crichton-Browne, James] (1895) Conversazione, - and the Presidential Address: "On Emotional Expression" Transactions and the Journal of Proceedings of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Series II, 11, 72 - 77, Dumfries: the Courier and Herald Offices
  49. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1895) Dreamy Mental States (reprinted in) Stray Leaves from a Physician's Portfolio (1927) London: Hodder and Stoughton, pp 1 - 42
  50. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1907) Dexterity and the Bend Sinister, Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 18, 623-652
  51. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1920) The first Maudsley Lecture, Journal of Mental Science, 66, 199 - 225
  52. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1924) The Story of the Brain, Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd
  53. ^ [Chambers, Robert] (1844) Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation London: John Churchill, published anonymously, and reprinted (1994) (edited by James A. Secord) Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press
  54. ^ Secord, James A. (2000) Victorian Sensation: The Extraordinary Publication, Reception and Secret Authorship of "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press
  55. ^ Crichton Browne, James (1860) The Psychical Diseases of Early Life, Journal of Mental Science, 6, 284 - 320
  56. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1874) Senile Dementia, British Medical Journal, i, 601-603, 640-643
  57. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1925) Burns from a New Point of View London:Hodder and Stoughton
  58. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1926) Victorian Jottings London: Etchells and Macdonald
  59. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1927) Stray Leaves from a Physician's Portfolio London: Hodder and Stoughton
  60. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1930) What the Doctor Thought London: Ernest Benn
  61. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1931) The Doctor's Second Thoughts London: Ernest Benn
  62. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1932) The Doctor's After Thoughts London: Ernest Benn
  63. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1937) From The Doctor's Notebook London: Duckworth
  64. ^ Crichton-Browne, James (1938) The Doctor Remembers London: Duckworth

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